Probably the last post of the year.

December 22, 2008 at 4:11 pm (reviews - links, upcoming releases)

Somehow it’s been a month since I updated, and WordPress seems to have changed its interface. (I really ought to explore the site’s options more carefully, since I know it has quite a lot of potential I haven’t tapped.)

This month I have a few adaptations coming out: Sgt. Frog 16 has already made its appearance, I believe, and Phantom Dream 1 should be out sometime in the next week or so (the schedule release date varies from retailer to retailer, so I’m not sure exactly when it’s due). And my first adaptation for Del Rey Manga, the Genshiken Official Book, is out right at the end of the month. I’ve already received my contributor’s copies, and as always I’m blown away by how closely layout people can make the English versions of fanbooks match the Japanese versions. In this case, the physical book is larger than the books in the actual series, which I wasn’t expecting. (I’ve never seen the Japanese editions of Genshiken, but the original Official Book is the same size as the other Japanese manga volumes on my bookshelf.)

Meanwhile, Animal Academy: Hakobune Hakusho has turned up on TOKYOPOP’s list of 2009 shipping dates, so I guess I can consider it well and truly announced. I’ve also been assigned to another title on that list, but I’m not including it in my own list here until after I’ve actually worked on it. ^_^


I’m considering things to do with this blog in 2009, but for now this is just another quick list of review links. As is usually the case, these are all based on review copies from VIZ.

Fairy Cube vol. 3 (B+)
Gaba Kawa (C+)
Heaven’s Will (C+)
Honey and Clover vol. 4 (A-)
Skip Beat! vol. 15 (B+)
We Were There vol. 1 (A-)
We Were There vol. 2 (A-)

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